All posts by Stephen Collins

BBR Wine

Berry Bros. and Rudd

Illustrations for BBR Wine’s Number Three newspaper magazine.

Wine Spectator

Wine Spectator

Various commissions for Wine Spectator magazine.

Spot the Mistake


Christmas 2022 cover of Saturday magazine, The Guardian. This issue was the Christmas Eve ‘puzzles special’, so the challenge from my point of view was to provide a fun puzzle which was also a nice illustration (two not-always-compatible things). I went for a ‘spot the deliberate mistakes’ approach in the end.

See how many you can spot!

*Oh and as someone pointed out to me afterwards, there’s a blank shop behind a tree. That’s just something I do to avoid visual clutter, and isn’t one of the ‘mistakes’ (though I should have anticipated it).

Answers panel:

Usborne Vignettes

Textbook Vignettes

A series of test vignettes for an Usborne history book, 2022.

Baby’s First Train Robbery

Baby’s First Train Robbery

The final instalment of Jim Whalley and my Baby Frank books, published by Bloomsbury Children’s books in 2021. This time we’ve sent Baby Frank off on holiday, where he gets in a spot of steam-powered trouble with the law. This book was a joy to illustrate, drawing on my childhood memories of happy holidays on the north Norfolk coast. Created using gouache, pencil and Procreate for iPad.

Portraits & Caricature

Portraits and Caricature

Various portrait and caricature commissions – something I love to do!

Hamish Anderson – Imbibe magazine column headerMichael Butt – Imbibe magazine column header

Lionel Shriver, news addict, for Unherd magazine

Ruth Davidson for Unherd magazine


Labour Chief Whip Rosie Winterton MP for Radio Times



Radio Times: Warwick Davies



Radio Times: Torville and DeanRadio Times: Steve Punt



Radio Times: Count Arthur Strong

Homeworking – GQ

Homeworking – GQ

Illustrating an article in GQ magazine published during the lockdown of 2020.

The Peninsula Paris

The Peninsula Paris hotel commissioned me to make a Christmas card to send out to their clients during the 2020 covid shutdown. The brief was to ‘welcome guests back inside’, even though they couldn’t visit the hotel at the time. So we made a fun sort of dolls’ house design, with vignettes of Christmas life inside this iconic Paris hotel.

Let’s move to venice

Let’s Move To Venice

Part of an ongoing series of illustrations for a Boundless magazine diary column by the journalist Liz Fraser,
following her family’s move to Venice. Gouache, pencil and digital.


Illustrations for a Saga magazine feature about funny moments with grandkids. Gouache, ink and digital colouring, 2018